Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Food Insecurity and Soup Kitchens Research Paper

Food Insecurity and Soup Kitchens - Research Paper ExampleIntroduction Food security is the consistent access to enough fare for an active, wellnessy life according to Nord, Hooper & Hopwood (p.1). On the other hand, very low food security refers to a reduction of food intake and disruption of take in patterns in households due to a lack of money and other resources for food during particular times of the year (Nord, Andrews & Carlson 5). Adequate food is essential for good health and good nutrition. Economic policy and program regimes that support the fundamental factors related to food security are capable of reducing health inequalities. On comparison Canada and the United States on the impact of food insecurity, it was found that in Canadas levels of food insecurity are lower than that of the U.S., indicating that Canadas is more food situate as a result of various measures, and the success of governmental and private programs in alleviating hunger. Further, problems and sol utions related to food insecurity conceptualized for Binghamton area of New York will be conceptualized on the basis of a survey conducted and census information. Food Insecurity in Canada and in the United States Canada and the United States significantly differ in the proportions of their populations that come consistent access to sufficient food for active, healthy living. ... households twice as likely to be food insecure in relation to Canadian households with children. The authorised parameters that impact food insecurity across the world include income adequacy, education, household structure, presence or absence of children, residence area, and other factors. Nord et al (p.16) state that these parameters should be considered in the context of the different social, economic, program and policy systems of Canada and the United States, to achieve a better understanding of the impact of these factors on household food security. Canadas Action Plan for Food Security in response to the World Food Summit commitment to reduce food insecurity by 2015, builds on several existing international commitments which affect food security. These emerge from current domestic programs such as Canadas own Nutrition for Health An agenda for Action Gathering Strength Canadas Aboriginal Action Plan revisions to legislation including the Fisheries Act (Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada 5) and Canadas evolving economic, social and environmental programs and policies. A Joint informatory Group (JCG) composed of both government and civil society representatives have developed the Action Plan. In 2009 the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) denote food security as a priority question and pledged an additional $600 million over 3 years in support of this theme (CFSPG 1). The governments program has been successful to a certain extent. To augment the work of the government, there have been private organizers rallying forces under the banner of food security. Thus, local efforts in Canada include the setting up of food pantries, treatment of chronic diseases related to malnutrition,

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